BTSH is committed to protecting and supporting its employees and patients in a diverse and inclusive environment that values diversity. BTSH provides its employees with an inclusive and equitable organizational and workplace culture that welcomes people of all races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, backgrounds, income level, etc. BTSH welcomes patients and families of all races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, backgrounds, etc.
- Administration regularly evaluates its approach and effectiveness toward ensuring diversity, equality, and inclusion within and across groups of its employees and patients.
- Administration works toward building equality by facilitating fair and equal opportunities and resources for its employees and patients to reach their full potential.
- Administration ensures that its staff understand the impact that diverse backgrounds, values, and beliefs have on teaching and learning.
- Administrators provide an open-door policy for its employees, patients, and patients' families to facilitate open communication about any issues related to diversity, equality, and inclusion.